
Branding cultured products: the naturalness trap with Nicky Quinn

Check out a dynamic conversation about branding, particularly in the cultivated meat sector with Nicky Quinn. Red to Green podcast.

We are excited to renew our media partnership with Red to Green for Season 3! 

Red to Green is a Podcast dedicated to providing content on sustainable food innovations, founded and hosted by Marina Schmidt. What sets Red to Green apart from other food tech podcasts is that instead of adopting the more common approach of each episode discussing different topics, they chose a storytelling approach. Indeed, Red to Green grouped their conversations by seasons of about 12 to 14 episodes, each season covering one theme at a time. Organizing the podcast this way allows for a deeper and better understanding of the designated topic and to build up the audience’s knowledge towards the following subjects.

Season 1 encompasses different aspects about cultured meat and cellular agriculture, from introducing it to what it is and why it is revolutionary to hearing the perspectives of investors and consumer adoption.

Season 2 moves towards a conversation surrounding plastic alternatives and sustainable food packaging. We hear from experts and innovators in the field differentiating between different types of sustainable packaging, greenwashing, recycling and much more.

Season 3 is all about understanding how to promote alternative proteins and consumer acceptance.

red to green

In episode 6 you will listen to a dynamic conversation about branding, particularly in the cultivated meat sector, between Marina and Nicky Quinn. Nicky has more than 15 years of experience in marketing and branding across multiple sectors, including hospitality, biotech, and consumer goods for brands such as Nestle, Four Seasons, and Boss. 

Currently she is the global marketing director at Aleph Farms, a cultivated meat company based in Israel. Aleph Farms is growing beef steaks isolated from a cow using a fraction of the resources required for raising an entire animal for meat, and without antibiotics.

The exchange revolved mostly around branding, such as the importance of brands and knowing where to focus communication. For example, Nicky’s opinion is that a startup that hasn’t fully developed their product yet might not need to spend so much money on marketing during early stages.

They also talk about how this industry is still very novel, so there will be a lot of misrepresentation and blowback in general from the media; which is why companies in the field have to come together and be consistent in communication. Nicky explains that “if one company is saying something one way and another company saying another way, this inconsistency will break down trust.”

She also mentions how consumers are very sensitive to marketing nowadays and can feel when they are being marketed, and that’s something brands have to be very careful about, especially in the beginning as it impacts first impressions.

To know more about what Marina and Nicky talked about, check out the podcast here.

More Red to Green episodes coverage here.

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