Are you thinking of joining Veganuary 2022?
First of all, you should know that you are in the best moment so far to try the meat-free movement; the transition today is much easier than in the past years. The plant-based meat alternatives industry has been growing exponentially and is expected to grow seven times more in the next decade. Almost every week, we can see new plant-based alternatives to chicken, fish, meat, eggs, cheese, yogurt, and every animal protein we could even imagine.
Veganuary 2022, here we go!
We know at first it can seem challenging to be vegan for one whole month, therefore we want to give you some plant-based alternatives you can keep in mind to substitute your “regular food choices”
Craving some chicken?
Heura comes to the rescue! Heura’s products portfolio includes chicken strips, nuggets, vegan burger patties, and even sausages; all of which are made with high-quality ingredients such as non-GMO soybeans, olive oil, and spices.
You don’t have to ditch your morning omelets!
Give it a try to Just eggs, an egg replacement based on mung beans and turmeric, which tastes like the real thing. They are even cooked the same way! With the Just eggs, you can cook great scrambles, omelets, quiches, frittatas, veggie stir-fries, vegan French toast, waffles, crêpes, pancakes, and much more. Also, it has the same amount of protein as a chicken egg. What else could we ask for?
We all need our milk…
Don’t worry, this transition is just as easy as substituting your cow’s milk with dairy-free milk. Nowadays, you can find numerous types of plant-based milk alternatives in the market. For example, almond, oat, soy, rice milk, and many more!
Pro tip: try to keep the label as clean as possible. Avoid unnecessary sweeteners or additives in the ingredients list, and promote local production. For instance, the Spanish, high-quality, Vive Soy brand offers a wide range of sustainable and proximity plant-based, sugar-free products such as oat, almond, and soy milk.
And for sushi night?
Some amazing researchers already thought about it. There are several startups that are bringing fish alternatives to the market. For example, Cocuus is a startup that is developing an identical alternative to different seafood products with 3D printing technology, such as salmon, oysters, or tuna. Also, Mimic Seafood uses Finggerino – an exclusive variety of tomato, whose shape and texture make it easy to mimic tuna. Amazing isn’t it?
What about cheese & dairy?
With Violife cheeses, your pizza won’t be bothered. Violife brand offers a wide range of plant-based cheese alternatives varieties you may include in all your cheesy recipes.
Also, Alpro in Europe and Silk in the U.S provides a wide range of plant-based yogurts and ice creams alternatives that won’t let you miss your traditional greek yogurt or vanilla ice cream.
As you can see, there are no excuses when it comes to plant-based protein alternatives. We can meet all our food cravings and desires while eating vegan.
Don’t hesitate and start your Veganuary now! You are not alone, according to the organization, over 500,000 people from 200 countries participated in Veganuary by starting a new vegan diet in 2021. Together, let’s be part of this powerful movement.
If you want to know more about plant-based alternatives, make sure you check our articles 10 Foodtech Brands Creating Seafood Alternatives, 6 startups using mushrooms in foodtech solutions, and World vegan month: why the future of food is still plant-based.