How to make your food business more sustainable

What is a green business?
Green businesses adopt a portfolio of principles, policies, and practices that improve the quality of life not only for their customers and employees but also for their complete communities and the better of the planet. But what sets apart the businesses that claim they are just “green” instead of actually upholding to the standards of social responsibility and sustainability practices.Well, thats where we come in. We have pooled together a set of “green” standards for those food businesses who want to continue to follow the rising concern about health and environmental worry, applicable to any part of the food industry.Becoming a completely “better for the environment” business isnt always easy but a more basic step in your new journey could be starting to search for new recyclable materials that you can use for designing your product or service, including using completely reusable packaging for delivering your product or make use of food waste to create one from scratch, consequently creating a more circular economy that will help distinguish your company from others. 

Some examples?
Noquo Foods, which is committed to creating cheese and other products with minimum environmental impact is meaning tastier and more sustainable dairy products for our planet, its win-win! Founded in early 2019 by food scientist Anja Leissner and entrepreneur Sorosh Tavakoli, the plant-based startup is combining different alternative proteins such as pulses and other legumes, that will allow their cheese to slice, melt, and taste like its conventional counterpart without the environmental sacrifices.In January 2020 they even secured over €3.25 million investment from a list of valuable investors.

(Source: Noquo Foods.)

Karma is the Swedish startup that created an app allowing food retailers to sell their leftover food to consumers for half the price, promoting a new zero food waste generation among the younger population and changing young minds about second hand food.

Their mission? Convincing younger minds that wasting food is bad is a tough task, but this small startup seems to have done it.  Based in Stockholm, the company’s app offers people the chance to reserve and pick up surplus food from restaurants, grocery stores, and other wholesalers, and with other food-waste apps already on the market Karma’s CEO claims it shows exactly what items are available, rather than just a general description, to keep their brand distinguishable from others. 

There are no “mystery bags or magic boxes.”

Karma App - Save food from being wasted(Source: Karma.)

Going back to basics
And rememeber…regarding the installations of your company, whether in the food business or not, certain measures are basic for the sustainability of your business, such as reducing the use of paper, establishing an environmentally friendly lighting and conditioning system, and promoting recycling among your workers and suppliers. These are all just little steps that mean a huge advancement towards the improvement of our planet and quality of life, as well as the reputation of your startup.

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